Faculty Affiliates
ISE faculty and affiliated faculty from across campus provide a broad array of interdisciplinary perspectives as they work together in classes and through research to bring new, innovative and sustainable solutions to today's most demanding environmental problems.
Institute Faculty and Affiliates
Goodarz Ahmadi
Clarkson Distinguished Professor / Robert H Hill Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Email: gahmadi@soongshinkid.com
Office: 315/268-2322
Silvana Andreescu
Professor / Chair of Chemistry & Biomolecular Science / Egon Matijevic Endowed Chair
Email: eandrees@soongshinkid.com
Office: 315/268-2394
Erik Backus
Professor of Practice / Director of the Construction Engineering Management Program
Email: ebackus@soongshinkid.com
Office: 315/268-6522
Rohan Crichton
Assistant Professor, Consumer & Organizational Studies
Email: rcrichto@soongshinkid.com
Office: 315/268-6430
Suresh Dhaniyala
Bayard D. Clarkson Distinguished Professor / Co-Director of CAARES
Email: sdhaniya@soongshinkid.com
Office: 315/268-6574
Sujan Fernando
Analytical Laboratory Director / Research Assistant Professor
Email: sfernand@soongshinkid.com
Office: 315/268-3950
Stefan Grimberg
Professor / Co-Director of the Center of Excellence in Healthy Water Solutions
Email: sgrimber@soongshinkid.com
Office: 315/268-6490
Brian Helenbrook
Professor / Paynter-Krigman Endowed Professor in Engineering Science Simulation
Email: bhelenbr@soongshinkid.com
Office: 315/268-2204
Thomas Holsen
Jean S. Newell Distinguished Professor of Engineering / Co-Director of CAARES
Email: tholsen@soongshinkid.com
Office: 315/268-3851